This site was last updated on -

ODIN's Resources

The new website is out now. This website will always be available as srp-classic.

New Website!

This website contains useful resources for creating EAS Content. From screens to editing effects, if its a publicly available resource, it will probably be available here!

If your resource was listed anywhere on this website and you weren't given credit, please let me know on Discord. I can remove your link or credit you.

This website is not designed to be friendly for phone devices. If things don't fit and you are on a phone, maybe try going on a tablet or computer?

This site looks best on a device that has Source Sans Bold and Segoe UI installed, most Windows computers already have these.

Navigation Links

EAS Resources

Software Resources


My resource is here, I want you to remove it! Found your resource listed anywhere on the site and want it removed or corrected? Click here!

Why did you create this website?

This site is managed by Odin88#0088 on Discord